Cell Processing
CliniMACS Prodigy® System
Automated cell processing in a closed system
** The CliniMACS Prodigy® – The complete solution for automating and manufacturing cell products (동영상 아래 링크 클릭!!)
Biomedical research | videos, webinars and helpful tutorials | 대한민국 (miltenyibiotec.com)
• Automated generation of CAR T cells
• Ex vivo GMP- compliant antigen loading of DCs
• Automated manufacturing of antigen-specific T cells
• GMP-compliant human stem cell expansion and differentiation
• Custom processes
- Density gradient centrifugation
- Volume reduction
- Buffer exchange
- Selection and cultivation of hematopoietic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells
Key Features
• 원료 물질부터 최종산물까지 single closed system 에서 제조되어, 세포치료제 생산에 적합
• Gene-engineered T cells 의 제조, 생산을 포함한 복잡한 과정의 전 자동화 (Fig.1 ),
sensor-controlled processes 로 easy access 를 위한 표준화 실현
• 최종 산물의 일관성, 재현성 높은 품질 확립
• Integrated centrifugation with camera-controlled layer detection for cell washing, buffer exchange, and cell concentration (Fig.2)
• Cost-effective : 복잡한 세포처리 과정을 하나의 장비에 자동화 구축하여 필요한 GMP cleanroom 공간이 적고, 필요 인력 감소
• Modularity 와 flexible programming 으로 고객 맟춤화 protocol 지원
• 고순도 세포 배양을 위한 CliniMACS reagents, GMP 가이드에 따른 MACS GMP reagents and media 제품 제공
• Non-viral gene delivery 를 위한 electroporation system 결합 가능
• IPC/QC 를 위한 multiple sampling pouches 제공
Fig.1 : The CliniMACS Prodigy TCT Process for the manufacturing of gene-eneineered T Cells integrates
and automates critical steps of the procedure.
Fig.2 : Innovative disposable CentriCult Chamber enabling standardized cell processing and cultivation.
Fig.3 : CliniMACS magnet - cell enrichment and depletion capabilities, alone or combines.